Sentiero dei Cannoni, monte Fraiteve, sentiero Balcone
Long clockwise loop starting from Salbertrand, highest point the summit of Mount Fraiteve, 2702 meters.
Start from Salbetrtrand in the Gran Bosco with a beautiful dirt road with an endless series of hairpin bends with regular 10% gradient typical of military roads. At the sign Strada dei Cannoni you follow the path that climbs steeper, but you pedal all the way to the Assietta road that never seems to arrive.
Now follow the road with contunuous ups and downs to Col Basset then steep climb to Mt. Fraiteve.
Now you descend following the red track to the Gelindo Bordin trail, flat, then on dirt roads down to Sansicario. Now follow the Balcone trail down to Solomiac, at the small church go right.
Follow the signs to Jovenceaux on beautiful trail, then in the village go down the trail to Gad. On the Assietta there is no water, the first drinking fountain after Fraiteve is at the beginning of the Bordin trail.