We are in Valcamonica, the land of signs, to climb to Passo della Vacca then Mount Trabucco where we will caress its ridges before a vertical descent. My advice here is to do the tour only if it has not rained for at least two or three days, as the final vertical on grass would become very problematic,
We park the car in Campolaro ( 1,380 m ) and immediately take the main asphalt road in the direction of Crocedomini . Steady slopes and a final hairpin phase and we will be at Rifugio Bazena ( 1,800 m ) to continue to the Crocedomini Pass ( 1,892 m ). Here we catch our breath and start again with a short downhill section to then climb to Goletta di Cadino ( 1,943 m ) where there are the Bagòss huts, the typical cheese of the area. Immediately after the huts we turn left and begin the final part of the ascent to Passo della Vacca. We pass the Corna Bianca and the quicksand to soon face the toughest section that will have you pushing or shouldering the bike for about 20 to 30 minutes at most. ( With the EBIKE YOU PEDAL EVERYTHING ). Arriving at the Passo della Vac ca ( 2,361 m ) the ritual photo with the Vacca is the minimum, then if you want to reach the Tita Secchi refuge and the Lago della Vacca is there a few minutes away. We will continue today to Val Fredda Pass , which we will reach by following the coast trail with rocks, smosso, up&down and a final push section: rideability of this traverse about between 95% and 98%. From Val Fredda Pass ( 2,338 m ) begins a libidinous trail very crisp in the beginning then bumpy and flowing in the final that will take us to Malga Val Fredda ( 2,060 m ). We keep to the right for Malga Val Bona ( 2,030 m ). Here we pay attention because the climb becomes very hard and soon we will descend to push following always the blue-white signs. We pass the remains of the Shepherd's Dormitory and arrive on the ridges of Mount Trabucco whose summit and cross are at 2,230 m. Here boys and girls rest because the descent ahead is very challenging. It will be a scary vertical, to run out of brake pads, to be experienced all in one breath. Ridge upon ridge we arrive in the Plan del Zuf area where just before, deviating to the left, we will ford a trail and then the mule track that will take us back to Campolaro.
NB: At the time of entry this ride is all doable without any particular problems. We disclaim any responsibility for any inconvenience due to lack of maintenance of the trails or deterioration of the same due to external and/or natural agents and a wrong evaluation of the tour.