Raciesa e monte Pic
Very nice tour, very scenic but very hard both for the climbs and the final descent
We start from Ortisei and right from the start we start a very steep climb that leads to the top of Mount Raciesa where you can enjoy an excellent view of all the Dolomites
From here starts the first descent mainly flow and never too technical that first along a nice ridge and then on fun trail over forest leads to the middle station of Seceda. The only thing you have to pay a lot of attention to is pedestrians, it is a very busy trail so you have to remain very vigilant and always give right of way
Last little piece is forbidden to bikes, in case follow the forestry trail that runs parallel
From the Seceda lift you can go up either by cable car (open only in season) or by the very hard ski slope, arrived at the fork short shoulder to Mount Pic, another super panoramic peak.
From here starts the final descent where the first part is on an epic ridge, and the second part is on a trail with very technical passages, to be faced only if in possession of a very good driving technique or pushing the bike. As you descend the trail gradually becomes more "human" but never mundane. Not to be done in wet weather!