Rifugio Bellavista da Merano
Very hard and long itinerary, but extraordinarily beautiful and very enjoyable. From Merano you arrive at the entrance to the Schnalstal valley and climb into the valley, preferably on the old road, which is forbidden but practicable.
When you get to Maso Corto, you push your way up the very steep ski slope, then you are able to pedal for a good stretch. That leaves the last section with bike on the shoulder and you arrive at the Bellavista hut with a splendid view of the Val Senales glacier.
After a well-deserved rest, you descend on the technical and challenging, but very fun trail to Maso Corto, then down the Schnals valley again on trails. If you want to go up by ebike, just follow the service road to the glacier and you will arrive at the Bellavista hut completely in the saddle.