Anello Caucaso
The Mount Caucasus loop is a marked trail, the start is from the Scoglina pass. From here we follow the asphalt road uphill to Barbagelata, before reaching the village on the left there is a memorial, there are two dirt tracks, we take the one on the left. The dirt road continues on a false level until the Stre Biurche pass, where we stay on the dirt road and continue left uphill to Mt. Caucasus. The last ramp before reaching the little chapel and hut will test your leg, but the view pays off.
We descend a piece of dirt road and then take a left onto the ridge trail that will take us toward Rocca Cavallina, which is nothing more than a large rock. Before Rocca Cavallina you have to take a left to start descending on the south side, follow the path to Croci Pass, where you have to take the path in front of us that continues on the ridge.
You will thus arrive by the Chapel of San Rocco, follow the dirt road to the left, at the hairpin bend continue to the left and still following the trail you will find yourself on the road that leads back to the Scoglina Pass, after taking the asphalt road uphill to the left and covering the last few meters of elevation gain you will find yourself back where you started, at the Scoglina Pass.