Monti Bue e Maggiorasca
Very challenging and even difficult tour but of great satisfaction. You pass through very beautiful places and great views from the highest peaks of the Apennines of Piacenza.
Start at Perotti and short descent, climb to Toni then trail to San Gregorio. Long dirt climb to Great Meadow with a nasty section between Lake Moo and Lake Bino.
Short descent then climb to Zovallo Pass still on dirt road.
Paved section and at gate climb to summit of Mt. Ox 1784 on trail with steep sections but almost all in the saddle .
Short descent then ascent to Mt. Maggiorasca 1799 with steep pushing section, but short.
View from Mt. Maggiorasca toward Mt. Bue.
Nice trail over Priest's Rock to Onion Meadow, then nice sntiero down to Black Lake Hotel.
Short asphalt then long dirt climb to Mt. Crociglia.
Now pedaled trail to Mt. Carevolo, 10 min. walk uphill, then long descent to Mercatello pass, first section very challenging.
Dirt track descent to Pomarolo, then From Ferriere dirt track in creek to start.