Passo Fundres
Very challenging route, both because of the length, the uphill gradient and the technical downhill trail. On the other hand, you cross wild territories of rare beauty.
From Fortezza you take the bicycle path to Sterzing (with enough uphill, alternatively you can take the train). You then climb up through the Val di Vizze, with a nice detour on a secondary road and trail to avoid being on the provincial road.
You take the detour to the right for the valley that goes up to the Fundres pass, and here the forest road immediately steepens, with long stretches at 17%. Then a few stretches breathe, the valley opens up with beautiful views. The last part is on trail, still rideable but rockier, without ebike there will be some pushing. At the pass magnificent views.
The descent is first on trail, then in parts forest and in parts trail, doing some small climbs I tried to do trails all the way down the valley. Back to the start on bike path.