Col Zanella
Nice pairing of descents in the Lamone valley. Start at a hairpin bend just before Crespino and climb on asphalt to the Colla di Casaglia pass and then right to continue on asphalt until you take the nice forest trail that climbs to the Archetta. A few hard scrambles in the final part before the recently renovated Ca' del Topo bivouac. One more short uphill stretch to take the trail to Archetta (on the right). Once over the top, the beautiful Archetta trail begins, a challenging track with passages on rocks, steps, steeps and smoother sections with some exposure to the left. A couple of passages definitely at the limit of feasibility. Pass the Prati Piani bivouac and keep left. The trail continues downhill but definitely smoother the first part and more technical the second.
New drop-off at Col Zanella and then the spectacular descent to the provincial road: smooth track, with narrow hairpin bends on the slope, steps, steep slopes, a real spectacle to the last. On the asphalt (near the starting parking lot) take a left and climb back up to Lozzole, along a forest road first cemented and then dirt, with some hard climbs.At Lozzole take the path to the right to Monte Prevaligo (still a few steep climbs) and once you get off the trail follow the blue marks: nice smooth descent, but always with a few technical passages on stones and rocks, slabs and gravel. You get to Viliano (ruined house) and then by dirt road down to Praticino (already passed on the way up) and then shortly back to the car.