Livigno - Pedenolo - Piz Umbrail e ritorno
After going to Piz Umbrail starting in Livigno following this trail it was time to do one without bus help. So we set out from Livigno, shooting the steep climb to the Alpisella pass and descending via the Adda springs to Cancano. You skirt the two lakes and pass over the last dam to enter the Forcola valley. After following the cart track for a while, turn right for Alpe Pedenolo. Don't be misled: going straight ahead you'll push quite a bit to get to Bocchetta Forcola, while the ride to Pedenolo is completely rideable on an old military road reduced to a trail at the bottom, above a spectacular gorge.
From the alpine hut onward you see the road again, which climbs with a steady gradient over beautiful meadows, until you reach Bocchetta di Pedenolo. Here you have two alternatives:
1) follow the trail by descending a little on a nice path and then climbing to the Forcola partly by pushing.
2) Stay on the trail and cut all the way up the higher slope, coming out almost to the Forcola (recommended if there is no snow).
From the Forcola climb down and follow the nice trail to Umbrail Pass. From here you push/pull your bike up to Piz Umbrail (about an hour, see report). At the top you will surely find someone from the forum, as I do every time I go there, with great pleasure. The descent is specttacolari and well described in the report, it must be said that, three years after the description, the path is in some places very eroded by water.
When you arrive in Val Mora, you follow the dirt road uphill, descend and finally follow the beautiful trail back to the Cancano lakes. Last effort: the climb to Passo trela, with its evil ramps. The reward is the very enjoyable trail back to Livigno.
Best time: july-september