Val Chiarino e Venacquaro
A traverse of the beautiful, tough kind on the Gran Sasso massif in a spectacular setting. Starting from Lake Providence, we climb on a dirt road almost all pedaled up the beautiful Val Chiarino, followed by a hard push/shoulder section to the saddle of Mount Corvo, which overlooks a stupendous panorama between Pizzo Intermesoli, Cefalone, sella dei Grilli, Mount Aquila and the Venacquaro valley below.
The descent in the very first meters is freeride, then it becomes a stupendous pastoral path that meanders to the bottom of Venacquaro, splendid valley dominated in the two sides by Mount Corvo and Punta lntermesoli, a smooth but stony path that with continuous relaunches takes us on an almost extreme section, big slopes on fixed and loose stones and narrow hairpin bends. An impassable part due to landslides and intense vegetation and we arrive in the wonderful Vetusto forest, heading toward the village of Intermesoli on a beautiful cart track.
For organizational reasons, due to car recovery, we go up pedaling first Fano Adriano on a road closed to traffic, and then reaching the state highway, until near Nerito. Recommended tour for cycle-mountaineering enthusiasts, the tour technically could end at intermesoli.