Discesa del sentiero dei Lupi
The Wolf Trail is a long natural descent that starts near the Scalette peak and ends in the Carlone stream, it is very beautiful and physically demanding, all in the woods. Start from Bobbio on long asphalt climb to Cernaglia, dirt road to Ceci, more asphalt to Scaparina pass. Now dirt road coming out to cross-country trail then short asphalt to Valette pass. Now trails to Ramarri pass and ascent to Arpeselle pass, descent and ascent to Scalette peak on rough trail with short walking sections. At the junction go left for the Wolves trail, no signs, first dirt road popi little trail, never too steep but demanding on the arms. At creek follow Carlone creek trail, very stony, nice waterfall, at road go left then right on trail with 2 fords and you reach asphalt.