Sette Crocette - Maniva - Pezzeda F5
A classic, mostly off-road ride on both sides of the upper Val Trompia. Departing from Bovegno, we ride through the town in the direction of Graticelle, where the asphalt soon ends. First step the hard dirt climb to the 7 Crocette pass, completely rideable, except for the last 150 meters of elevation gain where it is necessary to push or lift the bike (about 20 minutes). The first 15km gains most of the ride's elevation, with gradients often close to 20 percent.
The route continues with easy scenic ups and downs to Dasdana Pass and the Maniva slopes, where refreshments are available. Changing slope short asphalt ascent until meeting capanna Tita Secchi from which the soldiers' road starts: fantastic path overlooking the Val Sabbia, which always aerial and sometimes exposed, laps the walls of Corna Blacca. Last effort of 150 meters uphill to reach the disused Pezzeda facilities. Here, alternating pedaled stretches with short descents in the woods, you reach Passo Croce and the start of Trail F5: roots and bends in support for almost 100 hairpin bends of pure pleasure.
You come out on the state highway near the Sant'Aloisio Mine where the last few kilometers on a gentle descent lead back to Bovegno.