Anello Val Boreca
Beautiful and challenging loop on Boreca valley ridges in counterclockwise direction. Start from Valsigiara on very long paved climb to Capanne di Cosola, then climb steep trail to Mt. Cavalmurone and Legnà just beyond. Challenging short descent then ascent on winding forest trail, then ridge until after Mt. Carmo. I followed the trail I know that connects to the ridge leading to Maddalena Pass, challenging and narrow but almost all in the saddle.
Now long descent on road then up into the remote village of Pizzonero, the village in Piacenza province farthest from town. Now trail to Belnome, first uphill then downhill continuing on trail to Tartago to small bridge over stream. Shortly after go left and do NOT follow the Cai trail but the one that, slowly, descends to the stream.
Poorly groomed and unmaintained trail but it is 95% done in the saddle. At the creek you climb steeply for about 150 meters elevation gain, again poorly groomed trail but ridden at 95%. You come out at Tartago cemetery, asphalt downhill then again a trail that comes out at bridge over creek, a few km of asphalt and you are at the start.