Carosello 3000
How can Livigno be missing from our fantastic list of routes all to ride!!!?
Since we are not only passionate about climbing and suffering, on this fantastic tour we decided not to ride by purchasing the daily bike pass at Carosello 3000!
In total we took approximately 12 ascents, covered a distance of 62km - moving time: 4 hours - total descent: 4000m ascent: about 50m - maximum elevation: 2800m - bikeability: obviously 100% - suitable for MTB AM/FREERIDE/ENDURO.
It is not essential that you follow our route to the letter, but if you plan to never ride the same trail, then download the trail immediately!
It is a loop route starting and ending at the cable car that leads to the Carousel 3000 hut.
Below, in order, are the trails we have tackled:
1. Coast to Coast
2. Roller Coaster
3. Lonely Planet
4. Black Hill
5. Bike Academy
6. Peak Flow
7. S-Way
8. Bikers United
9. H-Dream
10. The Bomb
11. Blueberry Line (no video)
Unfortunately, due to bad weather and technical problems we were not able to finish our planned itinerary, so if you want to finish the available trails at Carosello, add after "The Bomb" the trail "Enduro" and to finish, after the "Blueberry Line" take the funicular back to the "Carosello 3000" hut and have fun on the trail "Federia".