Monte Aserei, discesa di Metteglia
Tour with arrival at Mt. Aserei and direct descent to Marsaglia. Start from Bobbio, at Gobbo bridge climb on asphalt to Arelli then dirt road to St. Agostino pine forest with steep but nice sections. Nice trails in the pine forest with beautiful views of the mountains above Bobbio. At the church go up on asphalt to Angelone then dirt roads and trails to the clearing of Monte Aserei. Nice trail at the edge of the pine forest then begins the long, straight descent to Marsaglia.
Dirt road to Metteglia then the trail begins, always quite steep, no problem until the rocks begin. Now it tightens and gets more difficult, some tricky passages and you get to the left turn, on ruined dirt road then dirt road to the village, asphalt for the return with a crossing in the river at the end.
Water at the drinking fountain just before St. Augustine's church.