Monte Bue
Great loop ride in upper Nure valley, start from Ferriere on asphalt road to Canadello where we climb to Lake Moo on nice dirt road, beautiful clearing of small lake. Now challenging stretch with rather steep climb to Lake Bino, very nice.
Continue uphill to the Great Meadow .
Short descent, then dirt climb to Zovallo Pass, asphalt and after the highest point climb the dirt road to the summit of Mount Bue with beautiful 360 degree view.
Now down the ski slope to Prato Cipolla, then nice downhill trail with arrival at the Lago Nero hotel. Short piece of asphalt downhill, then up dirt trail to Crociglia Pass, again short stretch on asphalt then dirt trail to Mt. Crociglia, perennially muddy stretch after Mt. Crociglia, past the fountain and to the foot of Mt. Carevolo.
Hard 10-minute push climb and you reach the summit.
From here you can admire the whole tour done on the other side and on Mt. Ox and Crociglia, very nice 360 degree view. Now long descent to the Mercatello pass with challenging sections especially at the beginning, then slowly flattens out, with the dirt road to Pomarolo back to the start.
Water at the fountains before and after the Zovallo pass, at prato Cipolla and before the Carevolo mountain, at all we pass each other.