Sentieri della val d'Adige da Merano
Very fun and scenic tour, reserved, however, for very technically trained and prepared bikers and to be done by e-mtb, since many uphill trails can be pedaled almost completely, but only with an e-mtb and if you have excellent uphill riding technique.
You first arrive on a bike path to Lana. Here is the first very steep trail (possibly bypassable by continuing on the paved road). Then with continuous up and down you arrive in Tesimo, again there are a couple of rather steep trails. You descend to Nalles on a nice technical and challenging trail, cross the Adige River and return to Merano on trails.
Arriving above Sinigo, there is the most challenging trail of the day, difficult to do even downhill, but with good technique you can do most of it even uphill (if you still have enough battery power). Eventually you can descend to Sinigo and return to Merano on the bike path.