Tutta la val Passiria
A technically challenging, rather long and tiring but also very scenic and enjoyable itinerary, exploring the entire Val Passiria to Valtina and Plan.
It starts in Merano and goes on a bicycle path to St. Leonhard, with some interesting detours. From here you go up to Valtina on the orographic left side of the stream. You arrive on the Giovo road and descend via path 17.
You then ascend to Stulles, take the path to Moso and ascend again to Plan on the old road. At the Zagl farm you cross the stream and head back toward the valley, passing through Plata and then Planlargo. Ascend to Cresta and then descend on a fairly challenging trail to St. Martin and back to Meran with several detours on the left orographic side of the Passer, also passing through Scena.