Monti Motti
Unexpectedly bikeable route.
We start in Cugnasco and follow the small asphalt road with several hairpin bends and a constant slope up to the Monti di Motti. The last 2 km are practically flat. At the grotto (refreshment point) turn right and follow the asphalt road almost to the end. From here take a path to the left, which at first sight seems too steep to ride, but if you have good legs you can cycle most of the way, apart from some short ramps.
So you quickly arrive below the abandoned Foppiana alp, and from there begins the rush on the path that leads us to the Gola Secca mountains: smooth but not obvious, when we rode it (August 4, 2016) it was very clean, in autumn there could be leaves.
Later the path becomes more demanding, with some ramps uphill and some exposed areas that require attention. We reach the Monti della Gana, a very scenic point from which we walk first a few meters on a paved road, then on a dirt road and finally on another path, very steep but well passable in the saddle, to Curogna. You come to a gravel road, follow it to the left and take the continuation of the previous path, which is also of the same type but has two short passages on hard rock (most people will manage them on foot).
At Ronchi di Natel you get back to the road you took uphill, take another shortcut and follow it back to the starting point.