Monte Penna e Prato Cipolla
Challenging route with 2 push sections, one for the summit of Mt Penna and the other a section of the climb to Prato Cipolla, but not long.
Start at Pertuso, immediately steep to the big meadow then right to Zovallo pass on nice dirt road with a steady slope.
Now asphalt to Tomarlo pass then left to Chiodo pass following CAI trail from side to road, then down to hut nestled in Mt. Penna forest.
Now dirt climb to Incisa pass where the steep trail to the summit begins, with the ebike I pedaled 70% zigzagging through the forest, short final stretch on foot because stony.
Wonderful view from the 1735 mt summit.
The descent is challenging but all in the saddle except for the first stony bit.
Now left on nice forest road, pass Faggio 3 comuni hut to asphalt, climb to Chiodo pass, then return to tomarlo pass.
At CAI Passo della Lepre sign, go left and follow trail to ski slope.
Now steep push section, 5 minutes on ebike, then continue pedaling to Onion Meadow.
Follow the beautiful trail that comes out at the Lago Nero hotel, really nice and all in the woods, then continue on the challenging cai trail to Selva, marked but not very beaten, then continue on the CAI trail to Pertuso, lots of fords, steep ups and downs and seems never ending, but easy.
Below is a photo of the summit of Mt. Penna and Onion Meadow.
Water can be found at the fountain after Zovallo Pass and at Prato Cipolla.