Monte Osero senso orario
Long and challenging ride with finish in Osero and Cogno mountains starting from Perino, beautiful views from peaks and also from saddle of generals, difficult descent of Mt. Armelio trail.
Departure from Perino on asphalt road to Spinello, then dirt road to Mt. Lopena. Road to Montosero then trail with very steep section to Mt. Cogno. Descent to Cappelletta pass and ascent to the road below Mt. Aserei, then trail on the ridge of the saddle of the generals and descent to the beautiful plains of Aglio.Now challenging and rocky downhill section to Aglio then dirt road to Maramotti hut, short asphalt road to Boioli then trail in the pine forest of Mt. Armelio. Follow the Mt. Armelio downhill trail to the state highway, difficult trail with boulders, not very smooth but not very steep.
Water is in Montosero village 200 meters off trail and at Aglio fountain, walk past it.