Le tre cime di Balangero
Fall tour to the three peaks of Balangero with an exceptional guide, Roberto Savant, who worked in the mine from 1976 to 1986.
Ascent from Balangero with steep scrambles to the dirt road communicating with amiantifera.
Access to the amiantifera, as is the norm for all mining sites, is inhibited to non-experts.
A video made in the 1960s documents the operation of the krupp mobile crusher, which is now submerged in the lake and whose silhouette of the roof can be glimpsed underwater: www.youtube.com/watch?v=At4OwWE_Hxk The trucks are the American Euclid engine rolls royce, for "gigantism" the mining industry is second only to the naval.
Ascent to M. S. Vittore m.891 with short portage http://archeocarta.org/balangero-to-castello-e-cappella-di-san-vittore/ From here magnificent landscape, over all Bessanese and Ciamarella.
To go to the second peak we move to the Corio side with views up to M. Soglio. The next Monte Rolei m. 898 also requires a short portage.
Perhaps the most technical descent of the trail is this one, at the height of a bar make a traverse on loose ground and then descend on scree with grassy sections to Bassa di Cianel from which with another 10 minutes of portage we reach Mt. Giovetto m.757. www.societastorica-dellevallidilanzo.it/assets/da-balangero-al-monte-giovetto.pdf The direct trail to Balangero is hiking, we return to the plateau and descend to Case Stradella and then to Balangero Castle.
Last group photo and return to the cars. Thanks to Roberto, Gigi and Alessandra for the excellent company. Thanks to Elena is implied.
Cartography: Fraternali Editore 1:25,000 n.9 Basse Valli di Lanzo
Descent from M. S. Vittore and view of M. Soglio
From M.Rolei view of M.S.Vittore, amiantifera, Bessanese and Ciamarella
View from M.Giovetto
Balangero Castle