Valle di Viù - Pian del Fum dai Tornetti e discesa da sentiero 131 c
Set off in two cars, one left in Viù and with the other climbed to Tornetti. The hamlet of Tornetti di Viù is located at an elevation of 1,170 m. in a basin full of beech trees and pastures, quite atypical in the context of rugged slopes of the Valli di Lanzo. The asphalt climb in about 3 km gains 300 meters of elevation gain to Alpe Bianca, a ski resort between the early 1960s and mid-1990s, evidence of which still remains. In the Province of Turin it is also worth mentioning the resort of Punta dell' Aquila, above Giaveno, between the early 1960s and mid-1990s, and Pian Gelassa, above Susa, in the late 1960s. After Alpe Bianca, one climbs with some hairpin bends and significant gradients on a wide dirt road to continue on a long traverse in the direction of Rocca Moross. After crossing the Rio Viana stream, continue to climb (the underlying Alpe Prot will be the descent route), pass Alpe Grosso and arrive with last efforts and with a spectacular panoramic advance, Mount Ciorneva Est, at Colle Pian del Fum 2,042 m. The view on a clear autumn day is grand: Ciamarella, Levanne (whitewashed), Gran Paradiso, Gran San Pietro Tower and at the north end the Rosa Group. Photographic and playful stop with Roberto, Enrico and Stefania (hiker aggregated and departed from Viù!).
Descent: technically the stretch from Pian del Fum to Tornetti is unremarkable, wide dirt tracks where there are few cuts. The views on the first downhill section are also spectacular, including Collombardo, Monviso and Torre d'Ovarda. Before the Tornetti digression to Roc Sapai de visu after admiring the painting by Francesco Gonin, preserved at GAM.
Descent from the Tornetti on trail 131 c. Nice trail entirely in the woods, with foliage and stones, some hairpin bends, a Roman bridge and other picturesque views.
To be able to enjoy it all either you face a long climb from Viù or you organize with two cars. The route is advisable in autumn, for the colors, temperatures and lack of flocks and related Maremma.
Ciorneva East
Enrico, Giovanni and Roberto, in the background Gran Paradiso
Roc Sapai
Entering trail 131 c
Roberto in action