Cima di Menna 2300 m
Orobic Cycloalpine Itinerary. Little expense much return.
MAGA: Menna - Arera - Grem - Alben. Let's also take M off the to do list with a beautiful mountain day on one of the symbols of the Pota Valley.
Start from are picnic under Zorzone 850 m hamlet of Oltre il Colle BG. No water on most of the route. Sloppy pedaling up to 1460 m on little-used forest roads to Mattuida hut. After the summer scampering the 850 m Portage goes away as beautiful as the sun on excellent and profitable trail passing Palazzi-Maga hut 2000 m and panoramic South ridge. Remarkable and rewarding views despite the modest elevation.
Descent ON: Deportage for a cent (ocio) and ascent to nearby anticima along W ridge where we saddle up indefinitely. Beautiful panoramic ridge to Menna Pass 2000 m and zö de lè toward Roncobello. Very well traced and cyclable dolomite trail but especially in the upper part very stripped and boggy (remarkable view of the steep NW gullies below the summit). Not my favorite kind actually but still very nice. The most interesting part is just below, at the edge of the vegetation with well guided and twisty sections. The descent then becomes generally easier as you enter the beech forest but still enjoyable and very long (more than 1000 m of D-) with punctual more technical passages.
We come out on the cross-country trail at 1100 m and change trim for the ascent, again off road, to the toll road so in any case with very limited traffic. At 1600 m we take the trail back to the Branchino Pass with some pedal taps initially and easy pushes on the finish. The section below the Corna Piana is beautiful. Two more rushes and we are at Valvedra Pass 1850 m for the final descent. Actually it would be better to detour slightly toward Roccolo di Branchino because the trail for 50 m is not pervented and you descend at the hound's penis (beware of continuing to the inviting flower trail). At Casera di Vedro same thing, do not continue downstream but traverse to Baita Zuccone initially not very evident. From here incredibly clean, flowing trail with little rock for being orobic but no unnecessary steeps through meadows. Some alternating forest-like but then still nice mule track in the woods to Pian Bracca 1100 m. Passed the creek last pedal slightly uphill / traverse and come out on the road 2 hairpin bends above the parking lot.
In conclusion: complete and satisfying round, Potaland does not disappoint.