Rai corta, 28/19 e Gaggi
Departure from Castagnola where you can leave your car, climb on asphalt with steady gradients to the Bracco pass, here take a right uphill to San Nicolao, steep climb that in a short time takes us to the beginning of the first trail, Rai short. When the first trail is finished we head back towards Bracco and then take a left towards Guaitarola, after the pass we take a left and descend on 28/19, without reaching Levanto. At the end of the dirt road you take a right uphill and return to the beginning of 28/19, but turn left and take the single track to the Gaggi trail. If you want to at the beginning there are two fast and fun slopes called Castagnaccio. At the end of the single track you take a right onto Gaggi, come to the asphalt and turn right back into Castagnola.
These three trails are the best maintained in the area and if you want to go for sure I recommend doing these three, you can hardly find them dirty and without maintenance.