Monte Brancastello, Gran Sasso
Cyclo-mountaineering tour that passes through the ridge that connects Vado di Corno to Vado di Piaverano in the eastern ridge of Gran Sasso following the Centennial Trail. The start is from the convenient parking lot beside the road up to Campo Imperatore near Lake Pietranzoni. Short stretch on asphalt until intercepting on the right the beautiful dirt road that climbs to Vado di Corno. Now there is the most beautiful part of the tour, with long stretches pedaled on sometimes exposed trail (always pay attention) and some stretches of with bike on shoulder or pushing.
We arrive on the summit of Monte Brancastello at 2385 meters above sea level from where a nice, very aerial ridge trail starts. We follow the trail as far as Vado di Piaverano where we leave the Centennial Trail, descending the faint, very technical path towards the Campo Imperatore Plain . Initially and for a long stretch the trail is all on rock with steps and breccia that limit the grip of our tires. Once the rock is over, the trail runs narrow through the meadows on a mixed dirt/rock surface with switchbacks. Tour of enormous satisfaction from a scenic point of view provided the sky is clear and there are not the usual clouds coming up from the Teramo side.
Also pay close attention to the descent after Vado di Piaverano because it is very technical. Itinerary with limited mileage and elevation gain but intense. For more information refer to the photoreport.