I am retracing this route after many years, unfortunately the conditions have changed and not for the better. Start at the sports field in Imponzo and follow the state road to the junction for Paularo. When you reach Piedim, turn left and climb towards Plan di Coces, continue, on steep slopes at times; at the fork to RInch you keep left (detour to the village highly recommended) until you reach the ruins of malga Oltreviso. At this point the forest floor, up to this point rather uneven, improves and you continue mostly downhill to the Crist di Tolp locality (follow the trail, many forks with other forest service roads); here an obvious red-white sign indicates the trail that you first climb up on moderate slope by pushing bike (short stretch in traverse a bit exposed), then bike up, the last stretch very steep in the woods. Finally you come out on the summit, a remarkable vantage point between Sernio and Amariana.
The descent begins from the summit, briefly following the ascent path to abandon it immediately (left fork); a short steep section follows with a somewhat dirty bottom (S2) until you reach a forestry road that you follow briefly to rejoin the path (entrance not immediately identifiable, help yourself with the gps). At this point you descend on a really exciting path, never too technical (S1/S2), with excellent bottom and hairpin bends just right. You quickly glide towards Imponzo, just above the village (500 m or so), when the trail runs parallel to the Fazzanis stream (orographic left) the music changes completely, the trail disappears under an impressive series of crashes. I kept to the right, on the edge of the very steep slope down to the stream (be careful), and not without difficulty (very large logs, brambles, nettles) I managed to find the trail again (it is possible that I missed a left variant further up, but the state of the trail even after the crashes, totally overgrown with vegetation, would not seem to support this possibility).
So we join the trail up to San Floriano and quickly arrive at the car. What to say. Short, but complete trail, with panoramic summit and very nice descent, certainly the last section takes away the desire to go and do it again. To those who wish to try it I recommend at least a handsaw to get rid of the thinner branches that make it difficult to climb over the crashes with the bike in the final ravine. Clockwise turn.