Giutte UP, Veleno, Terme Trail, Lische di Prà, AntiFoes, Orizzonte Trail, Crazy Doc
Depart Voltri, take to Acquasanta..once in the village take the uphill on the left that will take you to the start of the GiutteUP trail. When you reach the asphalt of the Giutte road, follow it until you reach the AVML bar on the Veleno side. Now you will have to ride on the Alta Via dei monti Liguri to the start of the Veleno trail. Fast trail, with a first part in the meadow with spectacular views. Reaching the asphalt you will need to keep to the right and pass another bar. We will have reached the start of the Terme trail, very fast trail with a first part with a series of jumps and then all down until we reach the Acquasanta again. Now we will climb up to the Colla di Prà where we will take the Lische Alte di Prà. Be careful not to fall because it will really feel like being in the high mountains. Do all the Lische Alte until you reach the Fossa del Lupo and go down E1 until you see a climb on the right and take it. At the top you will find the start of a trail, the AntiFoes. Now the Peglian rock & roll begins. Difficult trail, with many fixed stones. Follow it to the Columbus Gorge, where we will take the ascent to the Crestino.
From here we will take perhaps the most flowing trail in Pegli, Orizzonte trail, be careful not to underestimate it. Upon reaching the Orizzonte neighborhood, climb up through the houses, open the gate, and drop down for the 'last effort of the day, Crazy Doc. Fairly short trail, but a lot of fun. When you reach the end you will have reached Pegli. Beer on the waterfront and then back toward Voltri.