Nice pairing of descents in the Palazzuolo area: Prati Piani and Lagune. Leave Palazzuolo and climb on asphalt to Passo della Faggiola (long but gradual climb) and here take trail 609 to Prati Piani. After an ascent on dirt road and then trail in the woods (short ploughed stretches) begins the beautiful rock trail with technical passages, steps and trialistic sections on rock also very challenging, but almost all doable. The final section before Prati Piani is very technical. Here keep left and continue on 609 to Palazzuolo. Flowing sections alternate with technical sections to the end. At Palazzuolo take the asphalt again and climb up to the Sambuca pass; here take a right for the forest road (with low variation on trail to avoid the Poggio Altello drop) and then again an up and downhill on the forest road to the junction for Lagune. This trail is also very technical with steps, trialist passages and some more flowing sections even on loose rock. Also nice is the last section! You arrive at Quadalto and from here shortly to Palazzuolo.