Parco della valletta & rio Pegorino
Fairly simple XC/Gravel itinerary although it does not lack some more challenging passages, mainly it develops on dirt tracks and secondary roads, unfortunately some stretches on busier roads are unavoidable.
The itinerary develops for the most part in decidedly wet areas so it is advisable to tackle it only in dry periods, in particular the section along the Pegorino stream includes many fords, if the stream was swollen with water some of these would become impassable and dangerous.
The trail may require variations from the track, the forested terrain is subject to constant small landslides and falling plants that continually change its morphology, also the trails often split to reunite shortly after, so the biker will have to interpret the track and adapt the route to the situations he or she is in at the time he or she rides the trail. Also, trail branches are not always obvious, so it is easy to miss some of them; one must always "laugh" with an eye on the GPS.
Although it is a flat route there are many ups and downs that cumulatively give a not insignificant elevation gain.
For these reasons I have not included a route description that would have been too elaborate. The itinerary starts from Bevera and ends in Besana Brianza, the remaining part of the route traveled I cut out since it is only asphalt and therefore uninteresting.