Cogoleto e i suoi trail
With this itinerary we try to cover most of the routes curated by Cogoleto Outdoor. The start of our itinerary is from Cogoleto, ascent to San Giacomo and short descent on the DH Gatti trail. We reach the road leading toEremo del Deserto, then to Muraglione and finally to Faie. The asphalt gives way to the beautiful dirt road where the first section is in the woods, then the vegetation ends allowing glimpses of beautiful views of the coast below. We reach the Rifugio Prariondo at 1108 meters where, if open, we can refresh ourselves.
Just below the Refuge starts the Pigo trail, more than 4 km where we find everything from flow to technical, all in Ligurian style with excellent views of the sea. Pigo ends on the fun and short Nascio Alto trail that deposits us in Sciarborasca. From Sciarborasca, if you like, you can go up a few hundred meters of elevation gain to hike in order: vasca cagna, garescio, curletti, uguale rosso, cuniasso and ciappe.
These are all very short trails, some I would consider transfer sections. All very flowy except equal red, fun but short. Having completed the short loop we return to Sciarborasca and lose elevation on the maluea, nurses and beuca trails (some very short pushing sections). Unfortunately, the last part of the descent is on asphalt.
Dedicated itinerary for those who like natural and unworked Ligurian trails with Pigo andEqual Red very fun, all other trails very rideable instead.
Further description with photos here.