Monte Ciantiplagna
Classic tour with arrival at Mt. Ciantiplagna at an elevation of 2849 meters starting counterclockwise from Depot. From Depot you climb on asphalt to the top of the Fenestrelle fort then the road becomes unpaved and climbs less. You arrive at the road to the Colle delle Finestre pass.
Just before that you go up the evenly sloping dirt road that leads almost to the top. There is a point where there are 2 concrete blocks in a landslide, just before there is a short steep path to avoid them that joins above, I passed but it is not for everyone. After some ruins you climb to the right the steep path to the summit, beautiful 360 degree view. Photo towards the colle delle Finestre where you can see the road going up.
Now downhill retrace the path and at the road go up to the pass, then start to descend, at the fort go up then new descent to the Assietta pass.
Continue downhill on dirt road to Pian dell'Alpe where it becomes paved road to Purrieres. You cross to the other side of the stream and follow the dirt roads and trails to Laux to return to the starting point.