Giro del Fanes
Spectacular and challenging ride: Cortina, ascent on road to DiBona hut and then forest trail to Pietofane, all well cyclable with a few ups and downs to Posporcora pass, descent to Boite bike path (respect prohibitions), St.Uberto, bike path to Cimabanche and then path to Lerose (well bikeable with some tears) descent to Rastua (fast descent on old military road), ascent to Sennes and then to MuntSennes (dirt road all bikeable but with challenging tears even on e-bike). Trail to Forcella Sennes (uphill singletrack pedalable 80-90%). Descent on scree (first section by hand, then a blast), trail 24 to San Vigilio (spectacular single track among the best in the Dolomites, in the high section technical but never excessive), in the low section much tougher and with some hand-over-hand passages near the stream. Ascent to Pederù (trails and bike path) and then the long hard dirt track up to Rifugio Fanes and Limo Lake and traverse to Malga grande Fanes, and col de Locia. Very technical descent to Capanna alpina and then quiet single track to Armentarola. Ascent to the Valparola pass via MalgaValparola (forest all pedalable), trail to Falzarego and then trail to col Gallina and then to 5 Torri, asphalt to return to the car.