Sasso Tignoso, Monte Cagapicchio e Alpe Sigola
Adventure tour,as hard as it is rewarding for the amazing descent from the summit of Alpe Sigola.
Following the section of the Vandelli road from Sant'Annapelago to the Centocroci pass, we conquer in sequence the peaks of Tignoso, Cagapicchio and finally Alpe Sigola, the highest point of the excursion. Intense tour with numerous steep climbs made even more tiring by the wet ground and the path ruined by bulldozers and tractors used to clear the forest.
The resounding descent from the summit of the Alpe repays the exertions made, very steep but cyclable except for a couple of exposed spots where it is not worth the risk. Although the area is lush with small streams we found only two water points on the Via Vandelli. The advice is not to venture out alone because the place is not very popular.
From Santa Anna in Pelago we follow the state road to Passo delle Radici to abandon it at km 2.9 taking CAI 579 (Via Vandelli), which we follow until below the summit of Sasso Tignoso. We climb to the summit (not cyclable) on CAI 565 and then continue on CAI 567A until we cross CAI 567. At km 10, below Cagapicchio, we turn onto Cai 569, descend for about 1 km and find ourselves back on Via Vandelli (CAI 579), which we will follow for another 6/7 km until we reach an unmarked fork on a very bumpy road that we follow until we find CAI 571, which passes over Monte Sant'Andrea and arrives all the way to Alpe Sigola. Stunning as it is challenging is the descent from the summit on CAI 577.
At about km 26 we turn left and climb up through bumpy forestry until we recover CAI 567, which we follow until we find Via Vandelli(CAI 579). We descend and at about elevation 1300 (km 31.6) we take Via per Sasso Tignoso we continue for about 700 meters passing by Casa Giovannoni and finish the tour on the path that crosses Monte Uccelliera.