I monti del Paradiso in Valfontanabuona
A beautiful all mountain route in the Fontanabuona Valley in the mountains overlooking the Gulf of Paradise.
Having parked the car in Sori we get on our bikes to head in the direction of Canepa. Past the small village we continue uphill until we cross the provincial road of Mount Cornua, which we will follow until we reach the namesake of Mount Fasce near the Trattoria Monte Cornua. After a well-deserved coffee we resume the climb and upon reaching Case Becco we take CAI 407/409, which passing at the foot of Mount Becco leads us to Mogge del Bado, basically a mouth at the foot of Mount Bado and Mount Croce dei Fo'. From here we undertake the first descent on CAI 410 that leads to Sant'Alberto.
Due to the rains of the day before the path is very slippery and forces us to descend to some more challenging rocky points, a pity because in dry conditions even if not easy to pass would have been all doable, but today the condition is really at the limit to take certain risks.
Having reached Sant'Alberto we must reach the beacon at Colle della Speranza from where a very long trail starts up Costa Lione mountain (CAI 402 and 403). After a long descent an equally long ascent awaits us that will take us back to Colle della Speranza passing through Traso where we find a fountain to refill with fresh water.
Reaching the Colle again, a path at the foot of the Croce dei Fo' takes us to the Mogge del Bado from where we have already transited, and back again we take the morning path to Case Becco. When we arrive on the provincial road of Mount Fasce the last and spectacular downhill combination awaits us, Santa Croce-Evi freeride-i Caprioli-Sori dh,all natural trails in a continuous rock garden that after 1900 meters of positive elevation gain test .