Tschaufenhütte partendo da Bolzano
Very nice tour but also very tiring that from Bolzano leads to Tschaufen and then descends to Vilpiano, a small village from which you return to Bolzano easily by bike path or state road. The climb is very tiring because you do about 1200 meters d+ in 12/13 km, but the descent is very nice, I would say an S2 with some S3 passages. In the first part uphill I cut through a path/walkway (always give way to pedestrians) to avoid the state highway, as it is not ideal (dangerous) to do by bike and then to a small side road. The descent is never too difficult and is recommended for those who like to do lots of switchbacks/nose press. The 4 stars of difficulty are given more by the effort on the way up than the descent, to which I would give a 3-star difficulty rating.