Monte Stol - trail Kobarid
Route with long ascent on asphalt and dirt road to below the summit of Mt. Stol, up and down trail and dirt road on ridge and coast, medium-difficulty trail followed by challenging steep trail on fixed and moving rocks and undergrowth to village in Kobarid.
Start at a park in Kobarid and take the Bimobis first asphalt and then dirt road on level ground to the road, at the traffic circle go up towards Stol on medium gradient asphalt, at Sedlo it becomes dirt road and continues uphill with many switchbacks, very long and scenic, to the trail to the top of Mt. Stol. You avoid the ascent and turn right on a grass path that leads back to the dirt road that runs on the ridge or just below, fast, with a somewhat rocky bottom and very scenic first downhill and then continuously up and down, you enter the woods and face a path that is steep in places with an undergrowth bottom and some rocks, after the secondary summit of Mount Baba you regain the dirt road that you cross and the challenging part begins.
A rather steep path with undergrowth bottom and many rocks, some moved, some fixed, often hidden under dry leaves, to increase the difficulty, many branches and at times pure roots. Long and breathless it leads, in an always wooded environment, to the village of Kobarid.
Asphalt 40% - Paths 20% - Dirt 40%; Physical condition: challenging; Technical difficulty: challenging