Da Prato al passo del Forno
Itinerary of extraordinary scenic beauty, very fun for the trails, although very hard and long. Perfect to be done by e-mtb, in this case there will be only a few meters to push, in normal mtb instead, you will have to push the bike for about half an hour.
From Prato you arrive by back roads to Glorenza, then climb up the bike path to the Swiss border and to Santa Maria, where the beautiful Val Mora begins. Initially the valley is very steep, then softens in the final part. You start the descent, then turn right to the rist. Alp Mora and then push up towards Buffalora. When you reach the plateau, you take a right on the beautiful trail to the Forno Pass, amidst amazing views. It is almost all cyclable, minus a few landslide or steep parts.
Eventually you descend to the pass where we can find refreshment. After the pass, we climb up to alp da Munt and alp Champatsch (refreshment), then descend true Lu and the valley floor with a nice final trail. Then several more trails and various up and downs to the border. You then take the old Waalweg to Glorenza on the right, then up on forestry, take the fun trail slightly downhill to Montechiaro (with uphill finish) and back to Prato allo Stelvio. In short, there is sweat to the end, but also great fun to be had!