Anello Bargonasco
Itinerary for xc bike.
Departing from Bargonasco where you can leave your car, go up on asphalt to Bargone and take the dirt road to Bocco di Bargone. A few hundred meters after the old ranch, now abandoned, take the dirt road on the right, called Fragolata or Speciale and start descending. Pay attention to the ford you face; water may reach the middle movement in the wettest periods and it may not be easy to cross it. Continue downhill until at a hairpin bend to the right you take the dirt road downhill to the left. After a short downhill section the road starts to climb and you have to pay attention to the bottom, which has been ruined by the rains. After a hairpin bend to the left the road turns out to be obstructed by a landslide, which can be bypassed by bike by following the track on the right, which allows you to return to dirt road beyond the landslide. You reach asphalt and take a right downhill, heading toward Massasco and then back to Bargonasco.