Crinale Ciarello senso orario
Ride between the Luretta and Tidone valleys, pass on the beautiful ridge of Mount Ciarello with beautiful views of the mountains and Rocca d'Olgisio.
Depart from Piozzano, paved climb then becomes dirt road to Pentima, there are 2 small fords. You cross the provincial road and from there it is a continuous up and down on dirt roads. Lubiazze, Marzonago, then the beautiful Ciarello ridge, devil's house and then the climb to Mt. Aldone. Now downhill with some rocky sections, then cemented and asphalt to Nibbiano. Now down beautiful Tidone trail to Pianello with several fords, slight asphalt climb to Cantone. Now series of dirt ups and downs to return to the start.
Ride to be done with dry ground and check for little water in streams as there are several fords.