M. Cordona - Porcilaia - Laghetti Nervi
Classic, very varied ride on the heights of Nervi.
Ascent on asphalt, the easiest is from via Shelley, but there is more fun alternative from the pump-track in Quarto Alta going up the steep via Costa d' Orecchio a and then Via Canneto d'Apparizione which is actually a very pleasant path (narrow, be careful not to fly below) that rejoins the asphalt climb above Apparizione.
Reaching the forecourt of the scenic road behind M Fasce, we take a scenic stretch slightly downhill to the next forecourt from which, wanting to continue on asphalt uphill, we reach the entrance to the descent path; instead we take a path that is not very evident and by pushing and a few pedal strokes here and there we reach the summit of M. Cordona.
Short descent on the ridge that leads to the newly abandoned road and turning right we take the path (so called Porcilaia) that descends sea side.
Reaching a saddle, instead of descending along the coast on the right, continuing on the ridge we make a series of very beautiful and steep passages leading toward Sessarego.
Rising after a pylon to a plateau we follow the ridge on the right that rejoins the previous trail and continue downhill on a very nice rocky path.
When we reach Passo Crocetta (water intake) we leave out the path that descends directly to S. Ilario and follow the ridge among the Mediterranean scrub that often hinders the progression a bit until we reach the barely noticeable summit of M. Giugo (in front only sea!).
All that remains is to descend the beautiful trail always to be driven on dirt and fixed rock (watch out if wet) until you reach a junction near the Serra di S.Ilario (Water Tank).
From here follow the trail that goes towards the head of the valley until we take a path that leads to the houses and Scout grounds.
Taking care not to spoil the meadows we leave the grounds and take the path to the right that leads to the Maddalena chapel.
From the Maddalena we descend and begin to return toward the sea with a path that is always very beautiful and always quite narrow (mud after rains).
Descending after a house, we follow the path on the right, initially on slabs of rock then nice and rocky between low walls.
Along a straight stretch we turn right on unmarked forest track, from here the path is sometimes closed a bit by vegetation but we always pass (avoid summer).
Following the track we come to intercept other paths are until we arrive on the one that descends to the small road of the Nervi lakes (a little further upstream).
From there asphalt until the start.