Zuane-Gaon-Pradonego-Malga Valfredda-Passo del Casello-Pian di Festa-Rivalta-Zuane
Parking at the Zuane bicigrill, we proceed to Lubiara and Caprino Veronese, then to the locality of Braga, Pragonego to Malga Ime and finally to Malga Valfredda.
Here a fun trail starts through a beautiful forest (especially at this time) to the Graziani road. Pay attention in the woods to the trail markers, not very visible as is often the case in these parts. Now with a few kilometers of asphalt we reach Passo del Casello; here we pass through a gate (this is a summer camp for kids, no problem in passing) and a beautiful descent on singletrack-sometimes nice and technical and a bit exposed-leads us to Località Pian di Festa and then with a long nosedive on a cemented road to Val d'Adige, from where we return to the car along a comfortable bike path.