Hunting lodge on Mija
After crossing the Stupizza pass just before the village of Robic there is a rest area with ample parking on the left. Cycle up and along the Natisone River on a dirt road with continuous ups and downs (frequent fords) until you reach the Slovenian village of Podbela where you join the paved road for a couple of kilometers of ascent, then abandon it by taking a dirt road that climbs with moderate gradient and good bottom for 6 km . This section is very monotonous,canche because the vegetation prevents visibility of the surrounding area for long stretches. When you reach the point of maximum slope at an altitude of 835 m you leave the main forest road to face, on the left, mostly downhill, a forest road with a much worse bottom (a lot of mud), but also with long grassy stretches; in a short time you arrive at the hut in a spelndida clearing with a beautiful view towards the Natisone valley and the Stol. From here the descent begins along the old track of a forestry road that is now completely abandoned and has become, in fact, a single track. In the first part the only difficulties are represented by the vegetation that sometimes hinders the descent (S0-S1), in the lower part the slope and the difficulties increase as the erosion caused by water has transformed long stretches of the road to the bed of a stream (S2-S3), however, with caution, you stay almost always on your bike until you reach a picturesque suspension bridge over the Natisone;in a short time you resume the first section of the bike path taken on the way out and return to the car.