Collina di Torino - sentieri il signore degli anelli, bob e tomac
Climb to Pino from Corso Chieri and in 5 km get to the scenic overlook, turn onto Via Camandona, then onto Via delle Margherite e delle Rose and onto a trail until you get to the Adventure Park from which single track to Valle Miglioretti. Uphill on asphalt and then on trail to Mount Cervet and more descent to Valle Ceppi on Lord of the Rings, nice alternating small ups and downs on ridge and on firm ground. We turn onto road to Tetti Chiapasso and then partial ascent to Superga with subsequent trail (the sentieraccio). Reconnecting to the scenic cute bob trail with some roots and the tomac trail, then all very linear. Finally downhill on Torino trail 22 a with a short steep section and the short single track inside Villa Ottolenghi, nice entrance from the gate.
Fraternali publisher no. 18 Collina di Torino - Trail map (1:25,000)