Base Nato
Itinerary that develops in the surroundings of the Nato Base in Finale Ligure. I left the van from the clearing on the road to Melogno right by the junction for the base, only caution not to get in the way of the shuttles. With a short asphalt climb I arrived by the Nato Base, photo op.
From here I took the Crestino trail, which I followed to the wind turbines, arrived at the dirt road I took a right and returned to Ingegnere with a pedalable traverse through the woods. Having done Ingegnere I arrived on the dirt road and took a right, reentered the asphalt road to Melogno and reentered Base still on asphalt. Once back in Base I took the Neviere trail, arrived at the usual dirt road I crossed it and came out on the Melogno road again, for the third ascent into Base. This time I took a path on the right that allows you to climb into Base without doing asphalt and is perfectly rideable, all in the woods. For the last descent I followed the Mother Nature trail, from the Melogno road I climbed back from the van for the last time.
On the Melogno provincial road there is a fountain where you can make water.