Bassa Val Susa - Alpe Ghet - sentieri 567, 547 e 548
Parking lot in Giagli, ascent on asphalt to Mocchie and then hamlets Gagnor, Bigliasco, Dravugna and Prato del Rio, at times with significant gradients. You arrive by a votive pillar and take trail 567 left to Alpe Vaccherezza and Alpe Gragor. The descent trail 547 is well marked, it is about 4 km to Prarotto, initially on meadow, then nice stretch between two grassy banks, in succession traverse with thistles, some wet and rocky passages, a few short climbs, continue through chestnut forest to the pilon ed gal.
Ascend briefly on asphalt to Prarotto and then descent trail 548, very flowing in chestnut forest through hamlets Airassa, Colombatti and finally Giagli. Tour with very rewarding climb, recommended in spring and fall considering the totally southern exposure.
While going up to Alpe dei Rat the view would be towards Sacra di San Michele and the lakes of Avigliana, on this side going towards Alpe Ghet the Punta Lunella stands out, downhill on the horizon Cristalliera, Costabruna and Aquila.
Rio Meadow
Trail 567 to Alpe Vaccherezza and Alpe Ghet
Detail of trail 547
When people used to ski in Prarotto...industrial artifact from the 1960s, installed by the municipality of Condove