San Giovanni Tenno e malga Grassi
Counterclockwise ride starting in Torbole, bike path to Arco then nice strdine with ramps to asphalt. Now long uphill section on asphalt, then right on dirt road in woods, very present signs warning that bears live in the area. Section before San Giovanni on steep trail, then dirt roads in woods to Corghi and downhill to Treni where you descend the valley a bit. Now left trail uphill, short steep section on foot then very nice and pedaled.
At the pass down to beautiful Lake Tenno on dirt tracks then asphalt to climb to Canpi. I then climbed to Malga Grassi, 5 km and 350 meters of elevation gain but I did not like it and do not recommend it. You descend again to Campi where you swoop down to Riva on dirt and cemented roads that test your brakes. The 2000-meter elevation gain includes Malga Grassi.