Sentieri della Costa Rasa
Tour in the Costa Rasa woods above Mezzano Scotti. Some unmarked and therefore little known trails are followed. Depart from Mezzano Scotti to Freddezza then to Embrici, some dirt roads and come out on the provincial road of the Caldarola pass, which you follow for a few km. Now trail to Longarini where you follow the dirt road of Costa Rasa to CAI trail 165 on the left. Go downhill and then turn right on long and nice trail to Schiavi, a bit challenging the first stretch. Now go up on dirt road to Castellina where there is the only fountain of the tour, continue to the provincial road then go up into the large forest of Pian Perduto. Very large and very long forest, you come out at the Crocetta pass.
Now go up Mount Mosso and descend to Busseto, with dirt roads then go up to Costa Rasa. Now descend to Schiavi on nice path that starts shortly after the CAI path made before, in the opposite direction you retrace a section of the path made on the way out and ski down to the right. At the stream, climb briefly up and out at the ruined houses of Samboceto, climb briefly to the viewpoint with the flag and descend to the Fasso straina. At Areglia short dirt sections and you are at the start.
Tour mostly in the woods so to be done with dry ground