Marostica, Pradipaldo. Monte Zanchi, Crosara
By small roads and bicycle paths slightly uphill you reach the first hills at the foot of the Asiago Plateau.
At point C 116 we leave the valley floor for the first climb with hard ramps; in D 195 we leave the asphalt and at q. 230, because of the slope and uneven ground. it will be inevitable to push at least 50 m; then gradually the ground improves and the road flattens out. In F we meet the historic Trattoria della Rosina and continue until we meet the S.P. Bassano/Asiago; we follow it to the G 335 hairpin bend where we take the downhill road to Valrovina. The descent is short-lived because at q. 290 we turn left starting a very demanding climb that with numerous hairpin bends leads back to the top of q. 490 (a dirt and uneven stretch will surely bind many musculars). Descent and short ascent bring you back to cross again the S.P. for Bassano. The track avoids part of it then from Pradipaldo leave it for good for the small road that from here (J 550) leads to Rubbio. Reaching q. 780 you leave this too, crossing the tiny and semi-abandoned Contrà Brombe where you take a small path that soon enters the woods.
Watching out for some somewhat intrusive foliage and brambles, you ascend to the clearing of Contrà Balocca where a nice little road begins. You soon join a paved road and shortly after cross (in K 880) the "Strada Della Scaletta) that leads to Rubbio. A few more climbs and you reach CAI trail No. 800, which cuts almost at altitude through the slopes of Mt. Zanchi: a technical but never dangerous trail, almost always rideable, winding and up and down. Various open/close gates interrupt the action but it is still exciting. In view of the summit, take a service road to the nearby malga; crossed Contà Bielli a beautiful grassy tratturo descends to Tortima. (M 760). By asphalt you descend then to Contrà Boffi where you take a small path that you follow for 150 meters. In n1 700 you keep to the right finding a wide cattle track with a fair bottom even if a bit cluttered with brushwood. At q. 665 we join the wider forest road, which I avoided because of the very uneven ground; and unfortunately, even in the final stretch, this proves to be hostile and in places difficult to cycle. From O 615 to P 550 a quick stretch on asphalt from Fontanelle down to Crosara. Watch out in P, look well to the left and you will see the entrance to a path (Tabled as Via Dell'Amore): the beginning seems impossible but, after pushing past the first 5 m, a nice little path in the woods opens up to view that is almost all cyclable, except for short stretches to avoid overhanging brambles or a few bottlenecks for trees or boulders. At the halfway point, having passed a short but very hard ramp, the ground improves and even more so after Contrà Cassoni with stretches of well compacted cobblestones. This brings you to Crosara where you cross over onto the S.P. but shortly after turn left uphill onto a secondary road. At q 436 you also leave this by grassy path and then on steep cobblestones. The section from Q2 370 down to R 295 has several treacherous sections and will force the less skilled downhill walkers; it is better for the section of trail from R to R1 that ends at the "Madonna Dei Capitelli" shrine. From here to S 190 we follow a nice little road and then a scenic path on a grassy ridge: now within sight of the walls of Marostica Castle. At T we cross a S.P. to continue on a dirt road. NOTE: 200 m further down you would find the excellent restaurant "Al Ciliegio" which, however, out of season opens only from Friday to Sunday.
Follow the dirt road down hairpin bends to the valley floor where you will find a historic building used in the 1915/18 War. In u1 you cross a bridge to take the beautiful bicycle path that follows the course of the Longhella stream. At the end of the bike path a few more rides along narrow streets and embankments and you reach Cemetery Avenue at the end of which we found parking.
Itinerary originally inserted by Ruotalpina here.