Bagno di Romagna: Franatrail, Siepe dell'Orso e Chiardovo
Nice compilation of descent in Bagno di Romagna: Franatrail, Siepe dell'Orso and Chiardovo. You leave the parking lot in Bagno di Romagna and climb on asphalt towards the Mandrioli pass, long but gradual ascent. Before reaching the pass, at a hairpin bend on the left you take a forest dirt road on the right for a stretch until you cross the Frana Trail (which starts near cai 201) on the left.Technical and challenging singke track with trialistic passages on the ridge and exposed (be very careful). Section on landslide trail with rope on the left side. Then the trail continues on the ridge, very scenic and always with steps and technical passages. Last section more flow until Pietrapazza. Follow the forest road that with some ups and downs arrives at Ponte del Faggio (keep left).Here go up towards the ridge of Ridracoli, passing through the characteristic village of Strabattenza. On the ridge keep left and after Casanova in Alpe descend for a stretch and then go back up to the Siepe dell'Orso. Here begins a rocky mule track with steps, technical passages and rock and stone (firm) bottom.A beautiful series of final hairpin bends to arrive at small bridge under Pietrapazza; hard climb up to the church. Take the forest road that climbs to Colla del Carpano, here left and shortly arrive at the attack of the legendary Chiardovo. A flow track alternated with challenging technical passages on steps in the high section. A beautiful series of final hairpin bends. Arrival in Bagno di Romagna and shortly to the parking lot.